Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Coonan plugs the porn dam

John Griffiths' online news service, The Concat, has the best analysis today of the Government's plans to save us from Innernet porn.

He writes:

Commonications Minister Senator Coonan has released a package of measures intended to keep the kiddies safe on the internet. $93.3 million of that will go on the Government paying for filtering software for parents too cheap to protect their own children.

I look forward to this principle being applied to cars, with the Government paying for safety capsules and whatnot. On this principle can we expect free health care for all the children too?

On the other hand if it's enough to stop the crazies who want Australia to be disconnected from the global internet, for fear of smut addled young minds, then I suppose it's a smallish price to pay.

Check it out here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think the govenment could spend this cash on getting brisbane all tanked up , then add a bit to remove all petrol stations out of the ground so that they can collect all the run off water from brisbane to use for drinking, instead of the out the scope dams.


4:17 am  

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